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Very often pain can develop in the heels of the feet, through the arches and over the front of the foot. Knee and hip pain is frequently caused by imbalances in the feet.  This can interrupt with our activity level. Often people do not think about dry needling or Medical Acupuncture for treating these conditions. The treatment is carried out on a weekly basis, initially over a 5-week period. Dr Jeremy Hawke (Podiatrist) is trained in Advanced musculoskeletal medicine for pain throughout the body associated with foot function. All our sessions are carried out with strict infection control protocols. If you wish to book an appointment for an assessment, please ring our surgery on (07)40543330 or visit our website at and visit our contacts page to suggest an appointment time. Jeremy has over 24 years of training in Advanced musculoskeletal medicine. He is also able to use Laser therapy for your Acupuncture needle applications and can design stretching and strengthening programs for you. He is an Endorsed prescriber of scheduled medicines. Prescription foot orthoses are also a very effective treatment for the above conditions, and the prescriptions can be in either softer orthotics or more supportive orthotics.

How does an acupuncture needle work in these treatment sessions? Medical acupuncture or dry needling requires our anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, vascular, neurological training to establish the correct use of the acupuncture needles, in addition to our advanced musculoskeletal medicine training. We can depolarise the neuromuscular junctions where muscle spasm is shortening the muscle belly of muscles inked to structures mentioned above. This can change larger regions of pain experienced in the area.

How long are treatment sessions? They are normally 40-60 minutes.

Are these sessions painful? Not always, although some tissues such as the bottom of the foot are thicker and can be a little uncomfortable.

Can children have this service? Normally no problem over the age of 12 years old.

How often are the treatment sessions? Normally weekly for 5 weeks, and then 2nd weekly for a while. Sometimes monthly follow ups are helpful for maintaining better comfort levels.

Are there other things that can be helpful? Jeremy will assess you to see if muscle strengthening, stretching or walking style modification are necessary. Orthotics may often be required to stabilize underlying biomechanical instability for assistance with long term comfort and prevention of structural changes in the feet.

Hip2Toe Plus is in Cairns, QLD at Suite 2, 600 Bruce Hwy Woree, opposite Cannon Pak Racecourse, and can be contacted Tuesday to Saturday on (07)40543330, or through our contact page at .